
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday

Yesterday, we had the closest thing ever to a national primary election for the Republican and Democratic canidates for president. I have to say that I found it exciting to watch. Some people are understandably tired of the political stuff by the point. But I see this as history being made. For the first time since 1928 (or at least that is what I am told), we have no incumbant running for the presidency.

Barak Obama came out with 13 prizes, compared to Clinton's eight. Doesn't look like the results for New Mexico will be in until later today. Clinton has the advantage, winning big states such as California and New York. Obama still lost Massachusetts even after the Kennedy clan threw their support behind him. I was hoping Obama would pull out a win against Clinton, but I am not so sure that is going to happen. Change is a good thing, and while I don't think Barak Obama would be a good change agent, he would be better than Clinton. The Clintons had 8 years to change the country and instead they left us with the same problems Hillary blames on the Bush Administration. Just more of the same. I do agree with Mitt Romney... Washington is broken.

So, on to the Republicans. McCain had a huge night, winning 9 states, some of them "winner take all" states. Romney won 7 races, but most of them were in smaller delegate states. The only real prize Romney won was Masssachusetts, his home state. I think the real story of the night was Huckabee. He started out with a win in West Virgina, aided by McCain supporters, and then proceded to win 4 other states with a very close 2nd place in Missouri. Huckabee was underdog until he won Iowa and again until last night.

Here is my take:
  • I like Romney because he is the most conservative. But to me, he has credibility problems. He does look the most presidential, if that really means anything. I won't vote for him except for in the general, if for no other reason than he went too negitive, too soon. He seems almost like the Clintons of the Republican party, as far as negitive campaigning goes.
  • McCain. What can you say, America loves an underdog. He has real problems with conservatives and his absolute stance on global warming bothers me. The science is still not exact, so he position shouldn't be either. I like the fact that he is a moderate. I am a conservative, but want to see us become a party of inclusion, rebuilding another coalition, like Regean did with liberals and moderates as well as conservatives.
  • Huckabee. My Hero! I don't agree with all of his positions, but I think he is very qualified with executive experience. He did raise taxes, but he did it to improve the infrastructure of his state. There are (gasp) good reasons to raise taxes... just not many of them. Huckabee will probably end up VP for McCain, which I am really hoping for.

1 comment:

  1. this is from forever ago.. but you said this was the first election since 1928 when we didn't have an incumbent running. what about bush in 2000? or clinton in 92? or every new president before that? sorry, just had to point that out. you were probably intending to mean something different.


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