
Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Goals For "Out of Eden"

I know that this is something that I probably should have done when I first started this blog, but I didn't so here it is.

I have come to the place in my life where I realize if something has no purpose, then I have no use for that thing. Therefore, I need to set some goals for this blog and describe what the purpose of my typing away is

My Goals for "Out of Eden" are
  • A Record. By writing this blog I can keep a record of my thoughts and things that happen without trying to look for that composition notebook I try to journal in. The net is here and here to stay. Also, I can look back over time and see what God has done and how I have grown and (hopefully) matured.
  • A Communication Device. Now I realize probably only 5 people at Eden have even been to a blog before, but hey, that is nearly 15% of the congregation! I hope that as Eden grows and has more tech and web savvy people that this blog will be a method of keeping in touch and keeping people informed. Just because we have blogging people at Eden doesn't mean they will read my blog. One can hope, right?
  • An Outreach. I know, I know. You're thinking, "Outreach?!" I realize Reedsville is not exactly silicon valley and that the percentage of homes with reliable web access is relatively small. Yet I think that this gives people an inside look at our congregation at Eden, as well as a chance for Christians to be encouraged and hopefully inspired. I'm not talking a full-fledged on-line ministry, but whatever works.
  • A Kingdom Thing. I know I don't show it enough, but more that anything I want my life to give glory to God. If this grows the Kingdom or encourages my spiritual brothers and sisters, great. I think that we should do everything as unto the Lord and He gets glory in it all... Including blogging!


  1. If anyone can bring people to this church, it will be you. I can remember when the church was full of people but most of those older people have pasted on and the younger ones have moved away. Memorial day at the church use to be a big day. Friends, family and people from out of town would all come to gather and visit the church. Most would spend the whole day decorating the graves and visiting with each other and even have lunch at the church in their cars . Now your lucky to see one person when you go put flowers on the graves , people put flowers on the graves but they do not stay and visit with each other . I rememeber a contest Rev. Elden Blake had going . It was for about a month between the men and woman to see which would have the hightest total of attendance . Who ever lost had to make pancakes for everyone who attended the special dinner that was planned . If I rememeber right , not sure what else they served . But the men lost and I remember seeing Rev. Elden Blake making pancakes that evening.

  2. This is great info to know.


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