
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Some Things That Are On My Mind & Why the FOCA Must be Defeated

Yeah, I know that I haven't blogged for a while and I haven't been posting my thoughts on Sundays. I assure you that I am still alive and that I am still preaching. I just didn't blog. Oh well. Enough small talk. Lately, some things have been either consuming my thoughts or just simply interrupting my normal ones. Here's a few:

  • I am officially too stupid to work at Wal-mart! Huh? PEOPLE WHO WORK AT WAL-MART: THE FOLLOWING MAY SEEM INSULTING, BUT IT'S NOT: To work at Wal-mart you need to apply, right? Well on the online application you have to take an assessment. No problem, right? After all, I've never "officially" worked retail, but I have sold stuff and worked in constumer service before. Well, I failed the assessment. It was one of those self-evaluations with a scale of 1-5. I am terrible at those!! I never thought of myself as incapable of being a Wal-mart greeter, but evidently I am.
  • My diet is really not working out. My goal is to loose 40 lbs. before my July 11, 2009 wedding. I was doing great for about the first two months. I lost 10 lbs. I might have gained it all back and then some. I really struggle with weight. I want to be fit for my wife and future family not to mention that I am being a really bad steward of the body God gave me.
  • So this won't sound like a gripe list: I am really excited about Easter. Easter and Christmas are the two most anticipated dates for a minister (besides vacation, which could be more holy). Is Eden ready to receive a whole bunch of guests? I'm not sure that we're ready. But I do know that God often uses the weak to show His strength. I am really praying and believing that He is going to show up BIG this Sunday and on Easter. I know that when we expect God to show up, He never misses a chance to show Himself.
  • Secret Sins Seem to Be the Worst Kind. Why? Because you feel as though you can't confide in anyone. I've talked lately to some people who have been dealing with secret sins and I've had to deal with some of my own before. I take that back. God has had to deal with them. He is the only one who can.
  • I am EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED WITH OBAMA. I didn't vote for the guy. I figured he'd drop the ball. But I want our president to succeed. He is the president of us all. But he either continually makes bad decisions or fails to make them at all. This wouldn't bother me so much if he didn't promise to do things in a more open and different way. The only difference so far is that Washington DC is more secret and corrupt than ever. Way to go, Mr. President! Not to mention his die-hard support for abortion and the FREEDOM OF CHOICE ACT (FOCA).
  • About the FOCA-- The Freedom of Choice Act of 2009 if pasted would put the final nail in the coffin that is America. This act is anything but freedom. It makes any law regarding limits to abortion criminal and void. Seriously, no state could legislate anything regarding abortion or "reproductive rights".
  • Get this: I am a school board member and I know this for sure... If a 14 yr. old girl at Eastern Local wants an aspirin, she needs parental consent. Aspirin is generally very safe. But if the FOCA passes the same 14 yr. old girl could go to a clinic and get an abortion with out parental consent. Independent medical studies have shown that all forms of abortion are potentially life threatening to the mother. Many women have mild to severe side effects after having an abortion including: sterilization, hysterectomy, cancer of the uterus, cancer of the vagina, cancer of pelvis, genital trauma, major side effects from medication, etc. But we refuse to get the parents involved.
  • As a minister, I am required by law and conscience to report any indications of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. But the FOCA allows abortion providers to get around this law. Girls may be getting raped by their fathers or someone else, and forced to have an abortion without anyone ever being investigated.
  • My mother works for St. Joseph's Hospital in Parkersburg, WV. They are owned in part by the Catholic Church and as such refuse to provide abortions or controversial medications that can cause abortions. They have that legal right. The FOCA would force all doctors and nurses, and hospitals to perform abortions on demand. If my mother was a Jehovah's Witness and had a moral objection to participating in a blood transfusion, the hospital would have to get another nurse. Under to FOCA, the hospital could not make that exception if my mother has an objection to performing an abortion.
  • That said, most Catholic hospitals in the US would close rather than perform murder on demand (oops, I mean abortion). The Bishop who oversees St. Joseph's has already made it clear they would close rather than perform one abortion. In our area, at least half of our hospitals are owned in part at least by the Catholic Church. Typically, they are better ranked hospitals too. My mother tells me that already there is a shortage of capacity in the area hospital beds. So, Obama, the great health care reformer will cause a health care crisis in this country like we've never had.
  • Even if you do think abortion is okay in some instances (like rape and incest and mother's health [which account for less than 1% of abortions]), this Freedom of Choice Act would spell disaster for this country.
  • I really believe that America will be judged by God for this. In the Bible, God destroyed nations when "their sin had reached it's fullest capacity." God IS keeping score and we just keep pushing the line. I truly believe we can't have peace and prosperity while killing the unborn! Do you realize we, the USA, the great Beacon of Hope and Freedom, have killed 3 times as many babies that Hitler killed in the entire 2nd World War? Hitler was evil, but we think we're just giving people the freedom to choose. CHOOSE AMERICA! Choose Life & Choose to follow God, not self!

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