
Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Few Random Things About Me

So i am sitting here at home on a nice Saturday, putting off going to the office at church, so I thought I'd do something useful... Well, sorta useful. Here's a few random things about me you may not know.

-- I am a geneology & history buff. On my mother's side, I have traced my lineage back to the Kings of Scotland, England, and France. One line goes back to the time of Christ. I found out that I am a direct descendant of Constantine the Great, William the Conqueror, & John Rogers (wrote the first complete english translation of the Bible). Its kinda neat, but unfortuneately, my line was disinherited.. so no castle for me....

-- I like trees. No, I am not a tree hugger, but there is something great about sitting under a nice maple tree reading a good book.

-- I am a VERY picky eater. But lately I've been feeling bold with my palate.

--I am an elected official. Yep, I'm one of the few UB's out there who has been elected to serve the public. I am a member of the Eastern Local School board (

--Politics really interest me, but at the same time, I can't stand it when people put their trust in politics to solve problems.

-- I have this deep fear that people think I am fake. I have real security issues with that one...

-- I HATE IT when people who go to buildings on Sunday Morning think that is all the Church of Jesus Christ is about.

-- I never want to stop learning.

-- I have the ability to understand both sides of almost every issue, which makes it very hard to be decisive when I need to be.

-- I am always willing to learn from people who have differant outlooks on life than I do; But I will never compromise my values and principles in order to be liked by everyone.

-- I really believe I saw some kind of angel when I was 8 years old. I was in an accident (not hurt) but I did see a strange sight.

-- I am the vice-president of the Meigs County Right to Life Society, but I have serious problems with the pro-life leadership. We need to show people we are truly pro-life from conception to natural death, not just abortion.

-- I come from a family where three generations of the man of the house was/is not a follower of Jesus Christ.

--I live on a farm. Now it is split up in the family, but we still call it a farm.

--When I was four years old, I said I wanted to be either a preacher of the president. My father graciously informed me that those two don't often work out well together.

--Lately, God has just been rocking my world. He has shaken me to my very foundations and causing me to build my life on Him.

--I am engaged to the most wonderful being in the world (who is also SMOKING HOT) Christina Ann Layne. The only bad thing about her is her last name which needs to be changed to Will!

--I hate college. I love to learn but I have had bad experiences with schools. But I guess we all have.

--I like any kind of music (some in moderation).

--I've drank before. I didn't like it and I won't drink again. I can think of quicker ways to pickle my liver.

--People who drive while on the phone sometimes tick me off...
--I talk on the phone while driving... lol...

--I am afraid of heights. God made me 6'4. If He wanted me up higher, He would have made me grow more.

--I've been half-way round the world.

--I can speak a little tagolog (language of the Philippines).

--I am blessed to have several male role models in my life who have taught me so much and always been there when I needed them. Bishop Ron Ramsey, Peter Martindale, my uncle Dan Will, Dale Colburn, my uncle Jeff Wyers, Rev. Bob Sanders, Patrick Jones, just to name a few.

-- I am a compulsive blog reader, but rarely post myself.

-- I am late for the office!!

God Bless!

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