
Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Let it snow..."

Yesterday was the first significant snowfall of the season. Disclaimer: I should say compared to the flurries we've had thus far. We were supposed to get a dusting. Well, the dusting came and the snow was still falling. All in all we've probably had close to an inch. I love the snow. Winter is ugly without a nice dusting of the white fluff.

So whats so bad about a little snow? I mean we SE Ohioans can handle blizzards and floods and bad windstorms and the occasional ice storm. Well, it was dry snow, so it would not compact on the roads, making driving very hazardous. Plus, most people were unaware that a snow clipper had set it. One of my best female friends was in a bad accident. She was on her way to a wedding (one which I was also to attend, but soon opted out due to the conclusion of this short tale), and her truck flipped multiple times. We were on the phone just about three minutes previously. I called her and asked how the roads were.
"Hey Tiffany, how are the roads?"
"yeah, what?"
"The roads are bad. I just flipped my truck."

Thank God she is okay, just a few stitches.

So, we made the choice to cancel church services. I hate doing that! Eden is located on a state route and is normally okay on the main road. But our parking lot, if you can call it that, is right off the road, so any plowed snow greets people as they pull in. Also, many of our older core group lives on the main roads, but most of our new people and young families have to drive on slick county or township roads.

A pastoral confession: I hate to disturb my Christmas sermon series that I've been working on and praying about for 4 months. In two weeks, we are having our Christmas Program (which everyone should come to if you can!), but today was going to be our first real practice. Well, that's kinda been put off. I wonder, can you conduct dress rehearsals via telephone?

We serve a great God. And to be honest, (this is another thing pastors always think but never tell) I am kinda glad I didn't have to preach today. Even with all my planning and praying, I felt unprepared, mentally. This week has been a rough one for several reasons.

But this snow reminds me that God is always in control. He kept my friend safe, He kept the Eden congregation safe but not letting them try to venture out today. And that wedding? I'm sure it went off great.

So, God, let it snow. 'Cause I reminded of His purity and how He has made me clean by the washing away that comes through the blood of Jesus, the Lamb. And as a good friend told me, "That'll preach, brother!"

God Bless!

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