
Monday, September 22, 2008

We interrupt this Blogcast...

Okay, I realize that I haven't finished my Hajj series. I will try to have that posted by the end of this week. But I found out something today and was absolutely shocked. The contemporary Christian singer Ray Boltz came "out" as homosexual. This is the link to the story. This guy wrote and sang some amazing stuff like "Watch The Lamb" (which we acted out for Easter at Mt. Hermon UB when I was a kid... I was "daddy daddy"), "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb", and many others. The guy was married for some 30 years until he divorced his wife this year.

Should I be so shocked? I know I am naive, but shouldn't believers give other people the benefit of the doubt? To be honest, I would understand it more if this guy had more of a liberal theological background. Maybe he did. Obviously he forgot what God's word has to say on the subject.

Now, don't get me wrong. Heterosexual sin is damnable just as homosexual sin. But to me, homosexual sin just shows how far down in the depths one has fallen. But Christians need to respond to this just as we would with any other brother or sister who has "fallen". We need to pray for Ray and his family. Pray for him to be convicted by the Holy Spirit, not by men. Jesus said He came not to condemn, because sin has condemned us already. We need to confront this sin, but not condemn the person to hell because that is the job of God.

If anything, this story with Ray Boltz teaches us to be on our guard and to (as Paul says) build up the body until we come to the maturity of Christ Jesus. Remember to keep growing in your walk with God.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog, already in delay...

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